Closed Today, Mon, Mar 3 | Will reopen Wed at 10:00am
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Partial Transcript: Lacey Wilson: Today is October the 4th, 2023. I'm here with Dr. Carolyn McLaughlin For the Albany African American History Project for the Albany Institute of History and Art thank you for taking the time to come in today. Dr. Carolyn McLaughlin: Happy to be Here WIlson: Much appreciated
Segment Synopsis: Dr. Carolyn McLaughlin introduces her history and her family history in the South End and Arbor Hill. Her parents owned the McLaughlin Grocery Store in the South End for 24 years, and what travel through the city looked like before and as the Plaza was being constructed.
Subjects: Small Business; South End; South End
Partial Transcript: CM: we grew up in the neighborhood in the early years where the store was, then we moved to the other side of town, so it was an opportunity to see our friends who lived in the neighborhood where we had grown up and our elementary school. and mind you, we were still going to school in that part of town
Segment Synopsis: Dr Mclaughlin discusses the diverse community of the South End, the local festivals, election nights, the air raids in school, and the community within those neighborhoods. She also touches on the differences in various school experiences between her and her siblings, who were split between public and private schools.
Keywords: Education; Televison; South End Albany
Partial Transcript: CM: i went to Keuka College in the Fingerlakes LW: In the Fingerlakes ok my mistake there CM: what I will say is i guess I was what was considered an average student, but I thought I was much smarter than that.
Segment Synopsis: CM's experiences at Keuka College gave CM's opportunities to step into leadership opportunities.
Keywords: Keuka College
Partial Transcript: LW: back to the precollege, or maybe this would make more sense when you come back, but I've been very interested in my research. I've seen a lot of black people in the South End and Arbor Hill, and it's been interesting where we're going for recreation, where we were going for shows. CM: Lincoln Park was our park
Segment Synopsis: CM discusses community and recreation spaces in Albany, like Lincoln Park 6, mile waterworks and to concerts at the Labor Temple. 6 mile waterworks concerts for the adults labor temple had concerts rent parties and house parties and socials
Keywords: 6 mile Waterworks Park; House Parties; Labor Temple; Rent Parties; Thatcher Park; Washington Park; Lincoln Park
Segment Synopsis: Journey to California back to Albany
Segment Synopsis: reconnecting with the Albany Community
Segment Synopsis: approached to run for Office Urban Leauge and NAACP Untied work was touched on, graduate school before running but te importance of have community before and as running
Segment Synopsis: kitchen table conversations potholes on the south end quality life issues in the community the night of her first election knew that she was going to win what she learned about her constituents
Segment Synopsis: committing to knocking on doors
Segment Synopsis: Is Albany ready for a Black Mayor? shifts in demographics working with busineses stopped around 1:25:33
Segment Synopsis: Black Businesses corner stores, funeral home
Segment Synopsis: Politicians who paved the way for her local and national
Segment Synopsis: 787 designed to keep people from seeing the city urban renewal and the highways in the national country
Segment Synopsis: Long and varied history of Black History in Albany this project and interviewees relationship to AIHA
Segment Synopsis: the importance of exploring that history for adult audiences other interviewees
Dr. Carolyn MCluaghlin grew up in Albany, connecting with many pockets of Albany's Black population. Listen to her recollections of schools, neighborhood events, local businesses, and her own journey into politics.