New York's Capital Region in 50 Objects

New York's Capital Region in 50 Objects


Each region of the nation has its own distinctive history and identity. The New York’s Capital Region—consisting of Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady, and Saratoga Counties—is no different. But what best identifies the region? What events, objects, people, and ideas have contributed to its character and uniqueness?

To learn the answers, we presented these questions to the numerous museums, historical organizations, libraries, and residents of the Capital Region. The fifty objects that were ultimately selected present an exciting history of the Capital Region, including well-known favorites but also unexpected surprises. Some of the fifty objects characterize very broad topics like the textile industry and the Hudson River School of art, while others embody large populations of people who shaped the character of the region, such as the Dutch and the Iroquois. Many objects represent specific people or events, such as writer William Kennedy and the Battle of Saratoga. In some instances, the objects represent themselves, like the GE Monitor Top refrigerator and Albany’s beloved Nipper statue. A complementary image accompanies each of the fifty objects, providing context and additional information.

Overall, the fifty objects clearly demonstrate that this narrowly circumscribed part of New York State has played an astonishing role in shaping the history of the nation and, in several instances, the world beyond the confines of our national borders.


The Albany Institute wishes to thank the following for major support of this project:

The Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area
New York Council for the Humanities
New York State Council on the Arts
I. David and Lois Swawite
Matthew Bender IV
Neil and Jane Golub

The Albany Institute thanks the following for their generous support of this project:

Anonymous donors
Anne W. Ackerson
Dr. and Mrs. John W, Abbhul
Kathy Adam and Del Brown
Rezsin Adams
Elizabeth K. Allen
J. Thomas Allison
Gayle Anderson and Sid Fleisher
Frederick and Sheelagh Baily
Dr. Slyvia Barnard
Cathleen Barrett and Karl Barbir
Frank Barrie
Sandy Barringer
Karen Beck
Anita Behn
Deborah Groesbeck Bennett
S. Robert Bennett
Elmer and Olha Bertsch
Sheridan and Susan Biggs
Henry and Patricia Binzer
Stewart C. Boschwitz
Rima Bostick
Bonny Bouck Wilson
Dorice Brickman
Maryellen Browarski
Peter and Martha Deborah Brown
Bonnie and Paul Bruno
Charles and Charlotte Buchanan
Carol Bullard and Worth Gretter
Jean and Clesson Bush
Carolyn K. Callner
Charles and Eva Carlson
Frieda and Prentiss Carnell
Sally Carter
Douglas Cohn and Barry Brown
Anne Christman
Marci and Findlay Cockrell
Donna Crisafulli and Richard Kuhnmunch
J. Gregory Crozier, AIA
Linda and Gregory Crozner
Paul J. and Faith B. Davis
Kimmey C. Decker
Harriet Jordan DeGraff
Nancy Denton and John Pipkin
Susan D'Entremont
Frederick U. Dicker
Dr. Sarah Elmendorf DiStefano
Elizabeth Donahue Doviak
Gerald E. and Shirley W. Dunn
Ann and Don Eberle
Herb and Annmarie Ellis
Ann Eppelmann
John and Marie Erkes
Tony and Lucille Esposito
Eitan and Malka Evan
Tom and Lisa Evans
Drs. Michael Fasullo and Cinzia Cera
Angelo and Marcy Fiacco
Karen Hartgen Fisher
Cynthia Fox and Russell Youngman
Friends of Pruyn House
David Galletley and Gail Kendall
Eva Ganc
Janet E. Gargiulo
Richard and Joanne Gascoyne
Marjorie A. Geiger
Margaret Mary Girzone
Alice G. Goebel
Jeff and Tracey Gold
Mary and Michael Halloran
William M. Harris and Holly Katz
Susan M. Haswell
Lee Helsby and Joseph Roche
Ethel M. Hanzel
Karen and Andy Hess
High Voltage Electric Service, Inc.
Dr. James and Barbara Hoehn
David and Ruth Hoffman
Nancy E. Hoffman and Thomas G. Spagnoletti
Paul and Alane Hohenberg
Lyn Karig Hohmann, MD, PhD
Alice W. and Harold Howard
Helen Phelan Howe
Susanne and John Hudacs
Ellen Jabbur
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Jacobs
Edward M. and Sally S. Jennings
Jocelyn R. Jerry
E. Stewart Jones and Kimberly Sanger Jones
Marilyn and Stan Kaltenborn
Karen and Bob Kanarkiewicz
Mrs. Dina Kannes and Regina Kannes

Dan and Joyce Keenan
David Kermani
Ruth and Don Killoran
Noelle Kinsch and Darius Shahinfar
Wynn Kintz and Torrie Kintz
Susan Kipp
Zvi and R. Beth Klopott
Ted and Denise Kolankowski
Christina M. Larsen
William C. Leahy
Keith C. Lee
Nancy Lee
Martha L. Lepow, MD
Charles Liddle III
Stephen and Nancy Linehan
Bob and Nancy Lynk
Kenneth and Ursula MacAffer
Robert and Doris Fischer Malesardi
Willie Marlowe
Al Martino and Harold Lohner
Kevin and Mary McCarthy
Mrs. Harry W. McDonald
Terry and Jack McEneny
Marie-Louise McHugh
Kate and Bill McLaughlin
Linda McLean
William and Judith McMillen
Marney and John Mesch
John I. Mesick
Frederick Miller and A.C. Tiley
Dr. and Mrs. J. Enrnest Mincy, Jr.
Magda and Gus Mininberg
Richard and Mary Moore
Kenneth P. Mortenson Jr.
Stephen and Mary Muller
Paul Nance and Glenna Spitze
Robert M. Nottke
Harry and Kathy Odabashian
Martha Waddell Olson in Memory of James Gwynn
Chester and Karen Opalka
Georgiana Panton
Mary Pedone
Mariyln A. Pendergast
Patricia Perrella
Helen Phelan Howe
Susan and Bill Picotte
Darcy and Ed Pilawksi
Marian W. Potter
Diana and Paul Praus
Karen E. Preston
Margaret and Hugh Quigley
Janet and John Rausch
Jay and Kim Reohr
Jackaline H. Ring
Elliott and Eileen Rosen
Rosemarie V. Rosen
Philip Saponara
Phil and Bunny Savino
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Schaefer
Cynthia W. Serbent
Fumiko Shido
Susan Shipherd
Hazel B. Smith
Jan and Stan Smith
Rachel and Dwight Smith
Betty Sonneborn
Sandra Paige Sorell
J. Spencer and Patricia Standish
Christine Standish and Christopher Wilk
Ivan D. Steen
Ilene and Chip Stein
Ellen and David Sullivan
Peter G. Ten Eyck II
Susan C. Thompson
Peter and Vicary Thomas
Inga Tomson
Evelyn Trebilcock
Marian E. Tremblay
Miriam Trementozzi and James B. Ayers
Margaret Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ungerer
Larry and Gail Volk
Dr. J.M. Van Vranken
Stewart G. Wagner
Larry and Judy White
Paul Wing
David and Gloria Wood
Austin Woodward
Clare M. Yates
Barbara M. Zavisky
Joyce Zucker
Ellen and Denis Zunon

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Witenagemot Oak Peace Tree

Witenagemot is an old English word that means “Council of the Wise.” In England, a Witenagemot was called to help settle a dispute peacefully by discussion.

In April 1676, a Witenagemot was convened on the property of what is now the Knickerbocker Mansion in Schaghticoke, New York—the only one ever convened in North America. New York Governor Edmund Andros realized that there were three conflicts brewing in the area about twenty-five miles north of Albany near the juncture of the Hudson and Hoosick Rivers. First, both the Mohawk and Mohican Indians claimed the area. Second, the refugee Indian tribes from King Phillip’s War were moving into the contested area. Third, the French in New France (now Canada) were determined to take New York, and they continually sent armed troops and Indian allies south in attempts to capture Albany. For Albany, the “stopping point” for this French advance was the area around Schaghticoke.

In 1676, the Board of Indian commissioners headed by Governor Andros and his counselors, judges, and clergy, along with the militia of the King of England, traveled to the Indian village on the Hoosick River and invited the Indians from the area to participate in the Council. More than 1,000 Indians joined the group. The treaty established a link of friendship with the Mohawk, Mohican, and Hoosac tribes; it strengthened the alliance of Fort Albany militia with the Hudson and Hoosick River Indian scouts to help defend Albany from the French invaders; and, it provided for New England Indians to live in the area peacefully until they could make plans to move on to other areas.

To commemorate this treaty, an oak tree was planted. The oak tree was known as the Witenagemot Oak Peace Tree. It stood until 1949 when a flood toppled it.

Branch of the Witenagemot Oak Peace Tree

Planted 1676


Courtesy of the Knickerbocker Historical Society

The Witenagemot Oak Peace Tree

Late nineteenth or early twentieth century

Gelatine silver photographic print

Courtesy of the Knickerbocker Historical Society

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