Americans Who Tell the Truth

February 1, 2025–July 20, 2025

"Americans Who Tell the Truth has tried to be a lantern that throws its light forward and back—knowing the truth of the past’s struggles for justice is essential to seeing clearly the obstacles and possibilities in the future." —Robert Shetterly

Americans Who Tell the Truth showcases a selection of portraits by Robert Shetterly (b. 1946), featuring individuals throughout U.S. history who exemplify courageous citizenship and democratic ideals. The exhibition comprises 42 portraits, many with connections to the region, including abolitionist John Brown (1800–1859), Indigenous human rights advocate Oren Lyons (b. 1930), Grafton, NY-based food justice activist and author of Farming While Black Leah Penniman (b. 1980), and folk legend and environmental activist Pete Seeger (1919–2014).

This collection of individuals—from historic to contemporary, young and old, famous and relatively unknown—expresses the enduring values of civil rights, social justice, the arts, and the humanities through Shetterly’s inspiring depictions. The artist paints his striking portraits on wood panels and etches a quote by the subject onto the surface, inviting viewers to reflect on their words and spark further dialogue.

Featured portraits include Ella Baker, Medea Benjamin, Bill Bigelow, Grace Lee Boggs, John Brown, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Paul K. Chappell, Maulian Bryant (Dana), V (Eve Ensler), Dr. Paul Farmer, Elizabeth Mumbet Freeman, Dolores Volk, Alicia Garza, Joan Gussow, Harry Hay , Charles Hamilton Houston, Harriet Jacobs, Van Jones, Mother Jones , Kelsey Juliana, Maja Kazazic, Marjorie Kelly, Oren Lyons, Jane Mayer, Natasha Mayers, Colman McCarthy, Betty Morgan, Bill Moyers, John Muir, Bree Newsome, Rosa Parks, Alice Paul, Leah Penniman, Sister Helen Prejean, Cecile Richards, Bayard Rustin, Pete Seeger, Frank Serpico, Helen Thomas, Baldemar Velasquez, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Henry A. Wallace, Rev. Lennox Yearwood

Americans Who Tell the Truth is complemented by Portrait Pairings, an exhibition of portraits from the Albany Institute of History & Art’s collection, representing the breadth and richness of the museum’s holdings. The exhibitions will be on view at the Albany Institute of History & Art from February 1 to July 20, 2025.

Major exhibition support provided by Times Union.


In the Press

"Illustrating truth in a post-truth world" – Paul Grondahl, Times Union

"If you are hungry for a healthy dose of veracity and want to surround yourself with a lineup of champion truth-tellers, get to the Albany Institute of History & Art and spend some time with a new exhibit, 'Americans Who Tell the Truth.'"

"Activists, history makers in spotlight at Albany Institute of History & Art" – Indiana Nash, The Daily Gazette

"'Americans Who Tell the Truth,' is a necessary and inspiring exhibit that seems both timely and timeless."

"The Albany Institute presents new exhibition of over 40 portraits by Robert Shetterly" – Amaris Ford, Spotlight News

"Who is an American who is telling the truth? It is the question that has driven artist Robert Shetterly to create nearly 280 paintings in a collection reflecting his commitment to showcasing individuals who challenge injustices, champion civil liberties, and inspire others to act."

Press Release

ALBANY, NY—Albany Institute of History & Art presents Americans Who Tell the Truth, an exhibition of over 40 portraits by acclaimed artist Robert Shetterly (b. 1946), on view from February 1 through July 20, 2025. The exhibition features individuals throughout American history who Shetterly deems exemplify courageous citizenship, democratic ideals, and commitment to the common good. The portraits on view span generations, from historic icons like abolitionist John Brown (1800–1859) and civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks (1913–2005), to contemporary advocates with connections to the region, such as food justice activist Leah Penniman (b. 1980), based in Grafton, NY, and folk legend and environmentalist Pete Seeger (1919–2014).

Download press release here.

Related Programs & Events


Americans Who Tell the Truth: John Muir's Legacy and the Future of Conservation - Virtual Program
Monday, April 7 | 1–2PM

Join the Albany Institute of History & Art and the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter for a virtual presentation and discussion led by Aaron Mair, former Sierra Club president. The program is organized in conjunction with the exhibition Americans Who Tell the Truth, on view through July 20, 2025. Among the 42 portraits on display includes a painting of John Muir (1838–1914), conservationist, naturalist, and explorer who helped found the Sierra Club in 1892.

The program is virtual only; register online here.

Film Screening: Farming While Black - Documentary related to Americans Who Tell the Truth exhibition
Saturday, April 19 | 2–3:15PM

Learn more about Leah Penniman, co-founder of Soul Fire Farm in Grafton, NY, whose portrait is featured in Albany Institute of History & Art's exhibition: Americans Who Tell the Truth.

Farming While Black is a feature-length documentary film which examines the historical plight of Black farmers in the United States and the rising generation reclaiming their rightful ownership to land and reconnecting with their ancestral roots.

As the co-founder of Soul Fire Farm in upstate New York, Leah Penniman finds strength in the deep historical knowledge of African agrarianism – agricultural practices that can heal people and the planet. Influenced and inspired by Karen Washington, a pioneer in urban community gardens in New York City, and fellow farmer and organizer Blain Snipstal, Leah galvanizes around farming as the basis of revolutionary justice.

In 1910, Black farmers owned 14 percent of all American farmland. Over the intervening decades, that number fell below two percent, the result of racism, discrimination, and dispossession. The film chronicles Penniman and two other Black farmers’ efforts to reclaim their agricultural heritage. Collectively, their work has a major impact, as each is a leader in sustainable agriculture and food justice movements.

The screening is free with museum admission, no registration required.

Sponsor Americans Who Tell the Truth

Opportunities to sponsor the exhibition include individual portraits, themes, or the entire exhibition.

$10,000 Exhibition Sponsor
Acknowledgement on exhibition panel text at entrance
Acknowledgement in printed promotional exhibition materials
Complimentary tickets to the private and public exhibition openings

$5,000 Theme Sponsor
Acknowledgment next to portraits related to sponsored theme of choice
Complimentary tickets to the private and public exhibition openings

$1,000 Portrait Sponsor
Acknowledgment next to sponsored portrait
Complimentary tickets to the private and public exhibition openings

Complete the online form to support the exhibition.
Contact Nicholas DeMarco, Director of Development, for more information at or 518-463-4478 ext. 437.

Images from top left: John Brown (1800–1859); Oren Lyons (b. 1930); Leah Penniman (b. 1980); Colman McCarthy (b. 1938); Kelsey Juliana (b. 1996). All images © Robert Shetterly, courtesy of Americans Who Tell the Truth.