A Menagerie of Whimsey: The Art of William B. Schade

July 14, 2018–December 30, 2018

From the creative output of artist William B. Schade (1943–2008), a whimsical cast of furred and feathered creatures appears before us as if from the enchanted dream of a child. We encounter grinning crocodiles, roosters with attitudes, and a host of plump and prancing rhinos, tigers, and hippos. In the upcoming exhibition, A Menagerie of Whimsy: The Animals of William B. Schade, the artist’s full range of work will be represented in the Albany Institute’s galleries, from prints and sculptures, to paintings and ceramics.

Schade was born and raised in Albany and spent most of his working career in the Capital Region. He received Master’s Degrees from both the University at Albany and the distinguished Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. In addition to receiving awards from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Fulbright Commission, Schade also held residencies at the McDowell Colony for the Arts and at Yaddo in Saratoga Springs. His work has been exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, and elsewhere. For more than thirty years, Schade taught at Sage Colleges where he was always a popular professor.