LECTURE | Proudly We Served: The Story of USS MASON (DE-529)

In connection with the current exhibition, Reflective Impressions, join us at the Albany Institute for a special lecture exploring and diving into our Albany's unique naval history, as the only city in the U.S. with a Destroyer Escort docked in its harbor. Come listen to John Epp, Curator at the USS SLATER, Destroyer Escort Historical Museum present the lecture,Proudly We Served: The Story of USS MASON (DE-529).”

About the Lecture:

As the first predominately African American crewed ship in the United States Navy, USS MASON (DE-529) and her crew fought a two-front war: German submarines at sea and racism at home. But their most dangerous foe turned out to be Mother Nature.

In October 1944, the MASON crew battled one of the North Atlantic’s notorious storms. As boats began to capsize and water flooded their ship, the MASON shepherded a small group of ships alone to England in search of help. As others turned back for the safety of land, the MASON crew sailed into danger to save their fellow servicemen.

Their commitment to duty over all else earned them the respect of their peers and contributed to the official desegregation of the armed forces in 1948.

About the USS SLATER, Destroyer Escort Historical Museum:

During World War II, 563 Destroyer Escorts battled Nazi U-boats on the Atlantic protecting convoys of men and material. In the Pacific they stood in line to defend naval task forces from Japanese submarines and Kamikaze air attacks.

Today, only one of these ships remains afloat in the United States, the USS SLATER. 

Moored on the Hudson River in Albany, New York, the USS SLATER has undergone an extensive restoration that has returned the ship to her former glory. The museum offers one-hour guided tours, youth group overnight camping, and a historic location to hold naval reunions 

Learn More about the USS Slater Here: https://ussslater.org/

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