Sunday, March 1 at 2PM
Dr. Gwendolyn Saul, Curator of Ethnography at the New York State Museum
Between September 1920 and May 1921, artist Otto Plaug lived in Laguna Pueblo territory, in what is now New Mexico. Over nine months, he produced vivid portraits of Laguna residents and the bright, dramatic, arid landscapes surrounding their homes.
Join Dr. Saul for a discussion of the cultural and historical contexts behind the men and women in Plaug’s portraits, the continuance of Laguna Pueblo culture, and a closer look at the representations of Pueblo life that appealed to the left-leaning painter Otto Plaug.
- Included with museum admission
Image: Haschi, Laguna Woman, Otto Plaug, 1921, Tempera on cardboard, Promised gift of Albert B. Roberts